Thursday, June 05, 2008

Jg. 15: Samson fights the Philistines

Judges 15:15 "Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men."

Well, Samson threw a tantrum and went and stayed with mom and dad for awhile after the cloak-gypping episode. He stayed so long that his father-in-law gave his wife to one of Samson's "friends." Groomsman, probably...("In the event that the groom can no longer fulfill his duties...etc...") When he came back for his wife, bringing her some posies or whatever, his father-in-law tried to palm off his younger daughter on Samson, but Samson still loved his wife. He wasn't into the young chicks. So he did what you would expect any rational jilted lover to do. He tied torches to foxes' tails and set them loose in the Philistine wheat fields...which makes sense.

So the Philistines retaliated by burning Samson's father-in-law and wife. Then they made the world's largest pizza, so Samson burned down their City Hall. Not that last part, but it was tit-for-tat for a while there. Samson did manage to slaughter a bunch of God's hand of judgment on them for their treatment of Israel, remember. Samson flees to Israel, and the Philistines follow him as far as Judah. The Israelites freak out about Samson, since they live in fear of the Philistines, and turn him in. He find's a donkey's jawbone somehow, and even more incredibly, kills a whole bunch of Philistines. This was so important to him that he made up a song about it. Then he got thirsty.

That's about it for Judges 15, I suppose.

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