Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2 Ch. 10: Rehoboam's a Jerk

2 Chronicles 10:14 "My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions."

Well, here's some more on Rehoboam. He was the guy whose legacy lasted a long time. For not good things. He started out his reign with a serious misstep in judgement by ignoring sound advice from the elders of Israel. Where he could have ruled with kindness, he instead ruled with idiotic advice from his boyhood friend. Isn't that how it goes? You and your friend make trouble as kids, and then you all of a sudden think he's qualified to give you advice on running a country? No. 

He claimed that he would be worse than his dad (Solomon) on the people, but the people didn't just roll over and take it. And I don't recall Solomon being that bad of a guy to the Israelites. They stoned the guy he sent to be in charge of them, and caused him to flee. Yeah. Way to go Rehoboam. 

He had no mandate. Obviously.

Further reading: (1 Kings 12, entry)

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