Thursday, September 10, 2009

Is. 2: Day of Exaltation

Isaiah 2:11 "The eyes of the arrogant man will be humbled and the pride of men brought low; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day. "

Couple things.

I'm not exactly sure what is meant by "the last days," but apparently this is going to be among the final things that happens on earth, at the end of time. God will establish this "Mountain." The language here points to this mountain being a person. He will be "chief among mountains," which leads me to believe he will be exalted above men. He will be the final say on things, as all nations will stream to it. Quite a guy. He will be a descendant of Jacob, according to the text. He will also send out the law, he will be the final answer on all things. Additionally, he will usher in peace, as people will beat their swords into plows, spears into pruning hooks, etc. Nations will no longer have to fight each other over land and old scores if they all trust the final judge.

The second section of Isaiah two deals with why God abandoned Israel. They completely deserved it. They broke just about every command they were given, but it seems like it all comes down to pride. They destroyed themselves because they thought they were so smart. They created their own idols, and brought the wrath of God down. Now they have no where to run. Just as there is no place to hide from God's love, there is no place to hide from his anger. Everything they build up in their own arrogance will be destroyed, and God will be magnified.

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