Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dt. 22: Laws and Laws of Laws

Deuteronomy 22:8 "When you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof."

Some more laws for Israel to keep track of. Laws. Not suggestions or guidelines. Basically it seems like Israel was being commanded to look out for one another. They were family...brothers. You were to be helpful to your brother.

Help an ox or donkey to its feet if it stumbles, don't you walk on by.

Cross-dressing. Detestable to the LORD God. But why? A man appearing to look like a woman?

Hmm...if you find a nest on the ground, the eggs are yours, but let the bird go...a parapet roof prevents fall off. Why someone else would be on your roof is beyond me...

Two kinds of seed in one field, two species of animal in one yoke, two types of cloth woven into one garment - not allowed. Makes sense, I guess.

I don't get the deal with the tassels on the four corners of the cloak. I assume there is some symbolism there over practicality.

Then we have marriage violations, which just seems like a big embarrassing debacle for all parties. The only physical proof of virginity is blood in the sheets. Bloody sheets are a legal document in times of claiming virginity. The elders of the town had to get involved in the literal dirty laundry of two families, even to life and death.

A man sleeps with a married woman. Stone them both. Purge the evil.

A man sleeps with an engaged virgin in town. Stone them both. He's a rapist, she's promiscuous.

A man sleeps with an engaged virgin out in the countryside. Stone him. He's a rapist. She had no rescuer.

A man sleeps with an unengaged virgin, he has to pay 50 shekels to her dad and marry her and NEVER divorce her. Its nice to have options.

And, it's too bad this had to come up, don't sleep with your father's wife. I said, DON'T.

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