Thursday, August 21, 2008

1 Ki. 4: Our Man Solomon

1 Kings 4:9 "God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore."

Solomon is like no other man that ever was. The way his wisdom is described here is nothing short of amazing. He just knew stuff. Did he learn things, or did God reveal things to him? It says he taught about reptiles and fish and birds and hyssop and stuff. I don't believe he had a lab or something, but I believe he paid close attention to his surroundings. I imagine it was a little of both. He probably learned as he went. His asking God for wisdom in the previous chapter was in itself deeply wise. The wisdom God granted to him was probably far beyond any wisdom he would have expected or asked. He came from just wanting to be able to his job, to teaching men of other nations...wise...things.

What wise things? That's what boggles my mind about this chapter. What exactly did they discuss? What would it have been like to listen to Solomon? What did his people know about his wisdom and the nature of it? Did they realize what a gift they were given by God's gift of wisdom to Solomon? So, in a way, God's gift to Solomon was a gift to all of His people. What gifts do I have that are gifts to you? Makes me wonder. And are we thankful or jealous of other people's gifts?

A knowledge as broad and unmeasurable as the sand on the seashore...seems a bit overwhelming. I'd be interested at first...but I wonder if there's such a thing as too much knowledge? What responsibility goes with that?

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