Saturday, August 23, 2008

1 Ki. 6: Temple of Soul

1 Kings 6:22 "So he overlaid the whole interior with gold. He also overlaid with gold the altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary."

The temple is actually smaller than I thought. I think I was thinking of Solomon's palace. There is no comparison to the amount of description that went into the tabernacle, originally. That took chapters. This is one chapter. Is this perhaps because having a temple for the LORD was of human origin? The concept of the tabernacle was divinely inspired, and it's construction and layout details were described to the minutest detail. That's not to say there weren't details with the building of the temple. Anyway, with the scope of the labor and construction, it's hard to believe the comparative size of the temple. Not that big.

Interesting that the stones were all carved and honed at the quarry. No stones were worked at the temple site. I'm guessing it's because of reverence, but what grabs me is the skill that had to go into the stonecutting off-site, in order to make it perfect. If a stone was wrong, was it discarded? Hauled off-site to fix? What a pain...

The stone temple was paneled inside to the point that no stone showed. While that would make modern interior designers cringe, I wonder if the significance of the cedar was life, while stone connoted death. Just wondering. That's what I do. Then the cedar is overlaid with gold,'s abundant life, apparently. It took seven years to complete.

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