Saturday, May 09, 2009

Ps. 80: Restore Us

Psalm 80:7 "Restore us, O God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved."

Asaph's plea for restoration continues. He appeals here in the 80th Psalm to the covenant God established with Israel generations ago. Here it's like, "Don't be mad at us. Please come back to us." Things aren't good. The realization is that only God can bring back the good times.

Poetically, Asaph compares the nation of Israel to a vine...growing out of Egypt, and blossoming in the promised land, doing what it was meant to do, and being what it was meant to be. Asaph realizes it was God who did that, and knows that only God can restore that beauty. He speaks about this vine being God's son. God's right hand man, that God will raise up. When God rests his hand on this person, this son of man, then Israel will no longer turn away, and they will be saved. The phrase "son of man" has baffled me. How can God's son be a son of man? Unless it refers to David...

We'll see.

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