Sunday, October 12, 2008

1 Ch. 11: David Might

1 Chronicles 11:18 "So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the LORD."

Here's a pretty basic review of some of David's exploits, including his establishment as king, his conquering of Jerusalem, and then a roll call of his mighty men. 

David, you'll remember became king because he followed God, and the LORD was with him when Saul sent him out on military missions. David won the hearts of the people, because of this, and it caused a rift with Saul. - See 2 Samuel 5, entry.

His conquering of Jerusalem was in spite of the mockers, who shouted that David couldn't even conquer a city of the lame or blind. David goes for it anyway, and gets it all done. This exploit also led to Joab being commander-in-chief of the Israelite army.

David's mighty men were originally enumerated in 2 Samuel 23 (entry). Not much new is revealed here, except that the huge Egyptian in 2 Samuel becomes a 7.5 foot tall Egyptian in 1 Chronicles. These mighty men served as David's bodyguard, and inspired fear throughout the land, and brought terror to his enemies. They protected David, and generally caused a ruckus for him. Of course they were probably endowed with the strength of God to kill 300 men, and kill a lion in some snow and all that.

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