Sunday, October 19, 2008

1 Ch. 16: Sing A Song

1 Chronicles 16: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done."

David establishes a place for the ark to dwell and then puts some Levites in charge of it. Then he passes out cakes to every Israelite, which I imagine is no small task.

Following that is David's song of praise to the LORD, a well from which Chris Tomlin and Michael W. Smith and others have drawn inspiration from modern praise songs. And they added a rockin' beat. I believe this is the first time this song is recorded in the Bible. It is a pretty interesting read. 

I tried to go through without singing the tune of familiar P/W songs, but it was kind of hard at times. David appears to have set a standard here ripe for imitation. Generally I find praise music rather bland, because of the repetitiveness and the common buzzwords. Do modern P/W "artists" try to be David? Probably not. They'd probably be the first to admit it. Its also interesting to go through and see ideas and concepts David thought were important that don't translate to modern P/W. Like in verse 12, remembering the judgments he has pronounced. No one wants to sing about judgment. Unless you are hardcore band. All the gods of the nations are idols (v.26)? That's not very joyful and inclusive.

And there is another reference to the land praising God. The land, creation, expressing emotion. Very interesting to me, that. Not in a weird new-agey mystical way, but I never really saw "creation," as a living, glorious created thing. I wonder what spiritual connection there is between creation, that is, non-humans, and the LORD.  

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