Monday, June 01, 2009

Ps. 102: Hope for the Future

Psalm 102:28 "The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you."

This 102nd Psalm is pretty heartbreaking to read. Heartbreaking, but at the same time, hopeful. As bad as things are for the Psalmist (or Israel, I suspect), he doesn't blame God. This isn't a railing against the almighty for neglecting him, or allowing bad things to happen to him. There were very clear reasons why Israel would be cast aside, or ignored, and they have only to do with Israel's commitment (or lack thereof) to the covenant created by God and agreed to by Abraham.

Its pretty incredible foresight to desire these words to be read by future generations, those not yet born (you, me, everyone), so that they would trust God and hold to his covenant, otherwise they would be lost.

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