Friday, June 12, 2009

Ps. 113: Good LORD

Psalm 113:3 "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised."

God is the ruler of all the Earth. And most likely, from what I gather, he must be the LORD of the universe. He is exalted over the nations and above the heavens. From the rising to the setting sun. So not just everywhere, every time.

There is no one like him. God is the lone superpower in the universe.

And he's good, lifting the poor from the ash heap and the dust to set them among princes. He doesn't play favorites. He doesn't see rank. All are equal at his table. And he doesn't lower those with high stature. He wants to better lower people's situations. He doesn't take away the prince's success in this illustration. He certainly could, and has punished the high and mighty, but he seeks to elevate those in need, not ruin those with plenty.

Also, that part about settling the barren mother in her home as a happy mother...That's wonderful, and we've seen numerous situations where that has been the case. Sarai, Rebekah, Hannah, Rachel.

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