Thursday, June 04, 2009

Ps. 105: Exodus Redux

Psalm 105:5 "Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,"

The 105th Psalm is a bit of a review of the essential parts of Exodus, touching on Moses and Joseph, and the amazing way God worked through seemingly improbably people and circumstances to rescue the people he loved. And his plans took years...decades to come to pass. Israel was enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. They wandered in the wilderness another 40. Joseph's story covered another 20 years or so, and he served a couple stints in prison.

When you think back on the circumstances, and the horrible times Israel went through, it magnifies the awesome way in which God delivered them. These are praiseworthy deeds. Makes me think I have it ok...

Do I hope things get worse so my deliverance is that much greater? Or do I simply not get down about the bad times? Because if God's promises hold true for me today, what do I have to fear?

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