Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ps. 115: Trust in the LORD

Psalm 115:8 "Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them."

Israel serves a God who is invisible. He is intangible, not something that can be caught, tagged, photographed and released. The other nations serve and worship idols. Carved. Graven.

The passage of verses 5 through 8 is particularly poetic. It does a great job contrasting the idols and visible gods with God Almighty. Mouths that do not speak, ears that do not hear, noses that do not smell, eyes that do not see, hands that do not feel, feet that do not walk. This all demonstrates that simply because a god can be seen, it is no reason to worship. Almighty God, who deserves worship, has no physical (as far as I know) eyes, ears, hands, etc.

Verse 8 damns those who serve and worship these unseeing, unhearing gods. They will be like them. This type of dichotomy leads me to think that even today if God revealed himself in some physical form, he would not be believed.

Israel is implored to trust in the LORD. Those who trust God will be saved.

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