Monday, July 20, 2009

Pr. 1: Introducing Wisdom

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

Proverbs. The first chapter is divided into three sections and they include:

1. The purpose of Proverbs. What's the point?

2. Warning against Enticement. Don't go with...them.

3. Warning against Rejecting Wisdom. Wisdom is good.

Wisdom. Discernment. Knowing right from wrong. Common sense. Fear of God. These are the things that came with wisdom when Solomon asked for it at the beginning of his reign in 1 Kings 3. So what's the point? Israel was given the ten commandments. They were also charged with keeping their end of a pretty serious covenant. They were also given numerous regulations and guidelines for living in Leviticus. While a lot of it was practical, there wasn't much that included visual aids...object lessons.

Proverbs are sayings that don't directly issue commands. These are things that will require some thought, some discernment. Verse 5 says "Let the wise listen," which seems that there are people who perceive themselves wise, that they have it all figured out. But they lack understanding. So here are the proverbs to provide that understanding.

Here is a warning to listen to the instruction of those who have gone before. To listen to expert instruction. To listen to experienced teaching. Does that not make sense? This section tells a person not to throw their lot in with people who seek to harm others. The promise is for good things, valuable things, but they are their own victims.

If a person rejects true wisdom, they do unwise things, right? Foolish things. The result is calamity and God's judgment. Not just because of the rejection of wisdom, but rejecting wisdom is the gateway to doing stupid things that lead to rejecting God.

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