Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ps. 145: Acrostic Praise

Psalm 145:21 "My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever."

Here's another acrostic, the last one (that I know of) being the 119th Psalm. I don't know Hebrew, but apparently, each refrain translated back would begin with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. So we have 21 verses here, and it's really just a bunch of sayings of praise, exaltations to God. This Psalm is full of promise, ostensibly describing who God is to believers, and the praiseworthy things God did, is doing, and will do for the people that love him.

When I read something like "All you have made will praise you," it still gives me pause. That includes rocks, trees, animals, etc. And that includes the unbelieving. I could understand the bit about creation, because of what I read at the end of Job, and throughout the scriptures up to this point that I have read, considering the anthropomorphization of "the land." What is created simply does what it is created to do. Unbelievers are not doing what they are created to do. Perhaps at some point, these people will be called upon to recognize who God is, and then to give God his due.

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