Saturday, August 08, 2009

Pr. 20: God Knows

Proverbs 20:15 "Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel."

Don't overdrink. You become a mocker and a brawler. Note that beer and wine are not forbidden. Just don't be led astray. (v. 1)

So many people fight for honor. Proverbs flips that. Avoiding strife is the honor. Any dope can quarrel. (v. 3)

Didn't plow or plant? Don't expect to harvest. (v. 4)

An understanding man draws his heart's purpose out of deep waters. (v. 5)

Nobody hasn't sinned. But you can be blameless. (v. 7, 9)

Unfair weights and scales are detested by God. You don't want to be a part of any activity God detests. God is well aware of what people are doing. (v. 10-12)

I love sleep. I guess I will be poor. (v. 13) No, this speaks to the sluggard, who does nothing all day.

Lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel, even compared to gold and rubies. Wow. (v. 15)

Don't make plans on your own, it is wise to seek advice. (v. 18)

If you don't want to become a victim of gossip, avoid those who gossip. (v. 19)

Don't make hasty vows. Can you cash that check? (v. 25)

Discipline purifies. (v. 30)

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