Tuesday, July 08, 2008

1 Sa. 20: Saul Still Wants David Dead More

1 Samuel 20:42 "Jonathan said to David, 'Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the LORD, saying, 'The LORD is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.'' Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town."

David has this question as to why Saul would want him dead. Really David? You are a monster on the battlefield, and command respect and the love of the Israelites. Saul is derided in song. Are you sure you don't have any idea why Saul wants to kill you? Just curious, is all. David assumes it is because of his friendship with Jonathan.

And maybe it is. They are close friends, despite Jonathan's dad wanting David dead. Jonathan, surprisingly, is unconvinced. ("If I knew, I'd tell you.") Because of Saul's hatred for David, David needs to keep clear. They devise elaborate Alias-style schemes involving arrow-shooting to send messages to each other, and use Saul's reactions to discern what the next course of action will be.

Of course Saul loses his mind when Jonathan makes an excuse for David's absence at the New Moon feast. Saul even goes as far as to rip on Jonathan's own mother. Absolutely devastating.

This friendship the two have is pretty amazing. They realize they need to go separate ways, and it leads to heartbreaking weeping for both. In order to protect David's life, Jonathan sends him away. Sad to see such an end. They are friends forever. Spit brothers, probably. Maybe even blood brothers. Who knows.

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