Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1 Sa. 31: Death Becomes Saul

1 Samuel 31:6 "So Saul and his three sons and his armor-bearer and all his men died together that same day."

Samuel's words came true. Everything. Israel was crushed. Saul's sons died. Saul died. It was a bad idea to abandon the LORD and all the victory he granted to Saul early on. I still wonder about that exchange with Samuel and the witch. How often did this occur? What, if anything, makes those times a million years ago different from today?

Saul's armor bearer refused to kill the arrow-riddled king, because he was terrified. Who could kill a king? Did this armor bearer hear David's philosophy about killing the LORD's anointed before his time? I don't know. Probably not. But I wonder. It's still suicide when you command someone to kill you. Saul then falls on his own sword. I can't imagine the desperation involved in that. It looked like a good idea to the armor bearer so he did the same thing. Probably because he would get super busted for not protecting the king.

It's gross when people die in bible times. Saul and his sons had all their flesh burned off their bones, and then buried under a tamarisk tree in Jabesh.

So. What's up with David?

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