Friday, January 23, 2009

Job 15: Eliph-Sass

Job 15:31 "Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless, for he will get nothing in return."

Eliphaz can't keep silent anymore. He's had enough of Job's bluster and sarcasm. And who wouldn't. When someone denigrates the advice and "wise council" you dish out, don't you want to respond? Eliphaz goes on the offensive, knowing that the only reason anyone goes through bogus stuff is because he has sinned.

Eliphaz is the one who claimed to have special revelation from God about these sorts of things, and it's comical and sad at the same time, because what Eliphaz advises here has absolutely nothing to do with what God is actually doing with Job.

Does God punish sin? Sure. Was Job there when God created everything? No. Is man pure? No, of course not. It is as though Job was eating a hot dog and Eliphaz hands him a spoon, because that's what one eats with. Completely spurious "help."

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