Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Job 20: Zophar, Zo Bad

Job 20:29 "Such is the fate God allots the wicked, the heritage appointed for them by God."

Zophar, still offended, describes what he believes happens to wicked people in this chapter. It's all bad stuff, of course. Obviously, this is meant to describe Job, whatever it is he may have done. And since Job knows he has done nothing, and Zophar knows even less than that, you can't help but want to tell Zophar to cram it.

And as I read through all these things, I wondered: If all these horrible things happen to innocent people, what happens to the truly wicked? And does it matter? From the text, we know Job had absolutely no part of this wrongdoing as described by Zophar, but Zophar's like..."don't you know that this is why you are being punished?" And Job isn't even being punished.

I don't know how Job is putting up with this. I would have given up a long time ago.

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