Saturday, January 31, 2009

Job 23: God is Hidden

Job 23:13 "But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases."

What happens when you know what God's commands are, and you bend over backwards to follow them? To not turn away to the right or to the left, as the Chronicles say, and then still fall under tragedy? Who is God to you then? Do you curse God and banish him from your thoughts? Or do you, like Job, continue to search for him? 

To the north, south, east and west, Job looks everywhere, but cannot enter God's dwelling place. Why would he want to? To get an answer for why God did what he did. Job wants to present his case, because he knows he is innocent. And at the same time Job wants satisfaction, he realizes that God "stands alone...He does whatever he pleases." I'm curious too. I want to know why God does the things he does. Why his divine judgment often differs so much from our own sense of what's right and wrong.

I find it interesting still that Job considers God a sort of adversary, but ultimately sees God as the one who will clear his name when all is said and done. What choice does he have? His friends will not have any part in that. But Job is less concerned with exonerating himself in front of his friends as he is with finding out just why God did what He did to him.

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