Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Job 27: The Temporal Wicked

Job 27:8 "For what hope has the godless when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?"

Job continues his jibber jabber. He continues to defend himself in front of a hostile jury, and before a silent God. 

There has been much discussion about the wicked. How they have their property and families taken, and how they have no hope. Whether or not Job should be counted among them. What we can tell from Job is that their deeds have no certain bearing on how luxuriously they live their lives. The comfort they experience in their lives is never related to how "righteous" they are. God appears to have no formula for rewarding goodness and obedience with riches.

There is an understanding that God's justice isn't always manifested while a man is alive, roaming the earth. Job appears to accept this. Is it satisfactory to Job? I guess. Does he like it? No. He is intellectually honest with his feelings, but still realizes that God is going to do his thing no matter what.

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