Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ps. 2: The Chosen King

Psalm 2:12 "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him."

David, the author of the Psalms appears to be describing what was happening around him, as the other nations plotted against him and Israel. So confident, so faithful in God is David that he knows these conspiracies are in vain. As long as David sticks close to God, and doesn't turn to the left or to the right, God's hand of blessing and protection will be over the land. That was the specific promise made to the kings.

With this truth in mind, David can put trust in what God has promised him. That David is THE king. Whatever comes up against him, God can scoff at, as a father laughs at a toddler who thinks he can eat more than his dad. Or something like that. It's not a scornful scoff. It's one of, "OK, we'll see." Because these nations don't have any knowledge or sense of what God is fully capable, and can do through a person who holds to their faith.

The second Psalm is sort of a way of telling these other nations to pump their brakes, because they better recognize who Israel is, the God she serves, and how terribly praiseworthy God's wrath and justice can be.

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