Saturday, February 07, 2009

Job 30: Job's Class Struggle

Job 30:20 "I cry out to you, O God, but you do not answer; I stand up, but you merely look at me."

This was a humiliating experience for Job. After enumerating his various good deeds, and very nearly entering the realm of self-righteous pride, he considers what has happened to him since then. Men he considered beneath him mock him. I wonder if this is a sin for Job? To consider himself better than someone? And then this comeuppance hits fast and hard? We know it was for no deed Job did that brought this tragedy upon him. That's a pretty heavy dose of humble pie.

Verse 20 is rather heartbreaking to me. Isn't God the one promoting Himself as the refuge? The strength...a place to run to for safety? Consider the covenant he made with Israel. Why would God be silent now? Why would God just "look at" Job, when Job cries out for deliverance? Is this still the test? We haven't heard from heaven since the beginning, so I don't know if the dialogue is still going on between God and Satan. 

What if it's something like this:

Satan: "OK, I took his family and his house, and he's sick and diseased, but he will curse you if his friends mistreat him."
God: "OK, make his friends jerks."
Satan: "All right, I made his friends jerks, but surely he will curse you if people spread false rumors about him and his righteousness."

We don't know if that's happening. Maybe it is. I don't know.

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