Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ps. 66: God Did It

Psalm 66:20 "Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!"

As powerful as God is in the universe, a read through the 66th Psalm reinforces the idea that God has specific care for life here on planet earth. Your life. Described here are ways God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians. So God brought them into prison, was it just so God could show his power? Wouldn't have not allowing them to be imprisoned by the Egyptians in the first place been a greater show of power? How far back up the line do you go? The point is, how often is God praised by people who are having it good? So something bad doesn't happen. Do you praise God for it, or do you not notice it?

I suppose also this idea that God would turn the sea to dry land to deliver his people is pretty neat. He turns nature back on itself. He uses the land to do something it wasn't meant to do, to do what God wants it to do. Pretty miraculous stuff.

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