Monday, April 27, 2009

Ps. 68: A Brief History of God

Psalm 68:35 "You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!"

Boy, there is just a lot going on in the 68th Psalm. It seems as though every awesome thing about God is touched on here. Who he is. Who were are in Him. What he has done. What he will do. It's a pretty well-rounded Psalm. 

I suppose that I have heard it said numerous times: "If God is such a good God, why does (or doesn't) he do this or that." When I see that God is the father to the fatherless, the defender of the widows, and leads prisoners in singing, I get the idea that it is not his business to keep people's fathers or husbands around. It's not God's business to help people get out of slavery. God does do all those things according to His will, but not everyone has that. God is in the business of helping people through their situations. 

It appears to be God's business that he use situations that happen to people to draw them closer to himself. Is that hard to believe? Would we really be drawn closer to God if everything was totally awesome all the time? The reality is that things were totally awesome all the time, but Adam (man) screwed it all up. If Adam hadn't some other loser would have. And someday, at least according to Balaam, Job and David, things will be totally awesome again. So what do we expect from God? Why doesn't God make things awesome now? I don't know. Do I wish he would? Sure. Who wouldn't want to see hunger end, and war disappear? And why does God draw people to himself with tragedy and hardship? I suppose that's the only way to get our attention. When its going good, we're so proud of ourselves. When stuff is going bad, we blame God. It couldn't possibly be a result of our own choices or actions.

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