Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Ps. 12: Pervasive Evil

Psalm 12:8 "The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men."

David laments in the twelfth Psalm what appears to be a disappearance of good. He takes a look around, and perceives only evil. It is so bad that he says that the faithful have disappeared from among men. That's pretty bad. Those are rough times. It kind of sounds self-righteous, but David wasn't proclaiming that he was the last righteous man standing. He was the only one doing any good. But doesn't it sometimes feel like it? Look around you.

All David really wanted to hear was something good from the LORD. God's words are like a refreshing drink of water in the desert of flattering lips and boastful tongues.

If what is vile is honored among men, think about what is reviled among men.

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