Sunday, March 08, 2009

Ps. 17: The Enemy Closes In...

Psalm 17:15 "And I—in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."

This is getting critical. I wonder if David was really hiding in secret from Saul's men. He writes this desperately. The language is quite intense. "They have tracked me down...they now surround me." It sounds as though he is writing his final entry in his diary. I imagine this was probably quite literal. 

Here David is pleading with God with all his might to protect him. David continues to affirm that he will hide in verse 8 puts it, in the shadow of God's wings. I love that metaphor, because it says more about the hen protecting than it does the chick hiding.

David is thoroughly convinced he is in the right. But here comes the army of men after him to kill him. It doesn't matter to them who is in the right, they're under Saul's orders. David goes through the various ways he has been righteous. In a way, he appears to be "reminding" God about how he has continually walked in God's ways, never leaving his path. 

Probably what I enjoy the most about this passage is that David realizes what happens with the wicked men. Sure they will prosper materially, and maybe enjoy a life of spoils and luxury, but I cannot get over how simple and beautiful verse 15 is. What peace must have inspired David to say "in righteousness, I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness." Amazing! I hope you ponder on that verse for a few moments. There is nothing on earth that interests David as much as seeing God's face after all is said and done. The idea that you are completely clean and can come before God hiding nothing, wearing no mask. Having nothing get in the way of you and God. O, that I would gain that attitude. 

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