Friday, March 06, 2009

Ps. 15: How to Be With God

Psalm 15:1 "LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?"

This is a profound question, that reveals some amazing things about the asker. First of all, that it is important to him to be with God. To dwell in God's sanctuary, to live on God's holy hill...that essentially means to be with God, wherever He may be. There aren't many people that I know that I would love to live with them. My wife for one. That's about it. This requires devotion and an unbelievable closeness to desire that about anyone. Is it about heaven? Yeah, maybe. 

Secondly, it suggests that not everyone will dwell in God's sanctuary. It's not easy. It's not a given. And most likely, not everyone would want to. Not because God's sanctuary wouldn't be perfect, but because they don't understand who God is and have not met Him. 

What happens when you get to know who God is? The things that bring you into his sanctuary, and David lists several in the 15th Psalm. A blameless walk, doing what is righteous, not speaking ill of people, honoring those who fear God and keep their word, and then those who don't screw people over with lending.

Those seem like simple concepts, but I remember making fun of the teacher's pet in Sunday School. The nerd who had all the answers. I wasn't ready to dig my nose into scriptures and keep it there like that kid. It wasn't because I didn't care, or didn't believe it. I just figured I had lots of years ahead of me to get to know God. And I would do that in the Sunday school classes. And here I am now, way behind. How many times have I not done these things here? I still find myself caught up in these things. But I have never had a problem lending money. I don't have money to lend, and nor would I get all usurous. Its amazing what I care about when it comes to people. I occasionally don't have a problem badmouthing them, but I sure wouldn't want to cost them any money.

These are things that, if they get out of control, will barricade me from really getting to know God, to grow close to Him...and maybe to meet Him on His holy hill.

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