Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ps. 20: Psalm of Blessing

Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

This may come as an obvious acknowledgement to some, but Psalm 20 reads like a blessing someone would read or confer upon someone before he went to war. It makes sense. David's life and reign were very militaristic, so he would draw upon that experience, naturally.

I picture this being spoken to a troop, preparing for battle. Many of Israel's incursions were divinely ordered, and though war may be an apparent reason for fear, God always came through when His orders were followed exactly. 

War is a troubling thing. Conflict and strife are a troubling thing. But God maintains a sturdy stronghold of peace and uplift in His sanctuary. What an encouragement this is! May he give you the desires of your heart and may all your plans succeed? Incredible! How often do we wish that for people? Even less than we tell people, thats for sure. How concerned can I be with my own success and failure that I would ignore wanting someone else to succeed? 

God has all the power to save and to protect, regardless of the number of chariots and horses a person may be facing.

Psalm 20 reminds me of:
Psalm 20 by Plankeye
Wear Your Colors by Rick Cua

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