Forgiveness is a state of the heart that I often overlook. It is bondage to go unforgiven. It's no better to be the one withholding forgiveness. Both parties are bound to the burden of guilt and pain. It is a blessing, a great happiness to be free of those burdens, and that is how David sets the groundwork for the 32nd Psalm.

Forgiveness and to forgive are blessings. It is the point where one man's sin counts against him no longer. It just makes a person happy to know the burden has been lifted. The silence, the not confronting, the not appealing for forgiveness makes one feel like he is rotting away. It is agony! Long after the pain of the original offense has subsided, what's the reason to lug it around any longer? It's time to go in peace and live a life in peace and vindication!
This silence may be comforting. It's hard to admit a wrong, its hard to presume to forgive someone who doesn't ask for it, though they may desperately want it. A result of momentary discomfort, the anxiety leading up the moment, in the end is completely worth it. David wants to sing! Go, ask for forgiveness! Give it! Don't let the burden sap your strength any longer.
This is the attitude David had. David, who need forgiveness for a lot of things. He experienced how wonderful forgiveness, and I believe he truly wanted others to experience this forgiveness. So he calls on others to cry out to the LORD, and accept his perfect and holy forgiveness, so the mighty waters won't reach them. While he may be found. This suggests there won't always be time. So stop waiting.
Confession restores relationships. The forgiveness at these confessions are what kept David blameless, despite not being sinless.

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