Monday, March 09, 2009

Ps. 18: Victory!

Psalm 18:46 "The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!

This 18th Psalm is just brimming with energy, dotted by exclamation points throughout. Just when you thought David was at his desperate end, along comes Psalm 18, like some heroic victor out of no where. Out of the clouds, as God is described, thundering with storms and lightning and enough power to lay bare the valleys of the sea. It's pretty incredible. I imagine David breathless as he writes this, as a friend of mine would recount an awesome play that led to a Detroit Tigers victory. He wouldn't want to leave out any detail. Here David gives so much glory to God. He doesn't for a second credit himself for having any part in this victory. 

Sure, he describes his own righteousness and clinging to God's commands, and wholeheartedly following God's decrees (v. 19-24). This leads to promised deliverance for not wavering to the right or to the left (the "main road" as described in Deuteronomy 2). God gave him this victory, but not because God was bound by whatever David did, necessarily, but because God "delighted" in David (v. 19). It was ultimately up to God.

There's a lot of descriptive language that indicates that this rescure felt like a sudden, powerful storm. I wonder what that must have felt like. I wonder about the head rush, the heart pounding, the speed, the emotions, the pulse. I am certain that it was amazing and unforgettable. The turnaround was so quick, the strength a then-weak-kneed David must have received went to work instantly dismantling and annihilating his enemies. David says he could have bent a bow of bronze. Wow!

Not only did this awesome rescue give David unbelievable victory over those were set upon him to kill him, it gave him great hope! He describes a feeling of having a broad path set before him. His trust in God was lifted exponentially. And when David has this power behind him, he's really invincible. Imagine the despair his enemies must have felt. Foreigners are described as surrendering from their strongholds. The chapter is really quite invigorating.

Psalm 18 reminds me of:
Psalm 18 by Waterdeep
Since I Met You by dc Talk
You Are My Rock by Petra
Praise the Name of Jesus by Roy Hicks Jr

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