What I get a lesson here in the 29th Psalm is how powerful the voice of God is. In gravity, in influence, in just raw power and might. "Ascribe glory and strength" David says in the opening verse.
God's voice is what spoke creation into being with precise power. God's voice spoke words of promise to Abraham and to Noah and to David. The voice lectured Job in all these things. The voice also spoke comfort and peace to those who needed it.

Cedar of Lebanon
I loved reading the descriptions of what God's voice was like. Thundering over the mighty waters...as powerful and huge as the ocean is, God dwarfs it. When I read about his voice snapping the great cedars of Lebanon, and making Lebanon skip like a calf, and striking with lightning and shaking the desert, stripping the forests of oak bare, I could not help but remember this footage I saw in high school history.
Look at the wind! The pressure, the power! And this isn't even the minutest fraction of the infinite power God is capable of. This strength is the strength God gives to his people! Not to snap cedars, but its the same strength that's there when we need it in our individual situations.
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